Saturday, May 24, 2008

Devil's Marble in dawn

the next morning we woke up early to drive back to Devil'q marble to see the sunrise.... the weather was so freezing that we could barely breathe. We reached there too early, it was still pitch dark....we took a little nap.

When dawn break, we woke up and walk around the vicinity to enjoy the fresh morning air....

Ok.. the car lose its battery power.... we left the headlight and lights inside on.... hahaha... had to get these old couple to push start the car for us..... guess what... gen drove off and left me in the desert....she only came back half hour later....

I ask,"what you go?"
"the old man say dun stop the engine so i keep on driving"
"omg... dun stop the engine... not dun stop the vehicle"
I was worried for her safety though when i saw the vehicle drove off.

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